Thursday, September 8, 2011

Integrating Strength and Power Movements into your Conditioning

 These circuits demonstrate an easy way to integrate both strength and power movements into a conditioning workout.  Power and endurance are usually seen as being completely unrelated, however, good program design can help a fighter produce high levels of power for a longer period of time.  Rather than having an extremely high max power output and a huge drop-off over time, fighters need to be able to maintain a high power output for longer, even if their max is slightly lower.

- Warmup (5 minutes
            - Include jog, backpedal, shuffles, and stance drills
            - Dynamic flexibility (Iron cross, scorpion, lunges, leg swings, etc.)
- Complete each circuit 3 times. Circuits consist of a heavy strength exercise followed immediately by a power exercise of the same movement.  Work quickly between exercise 1 and 2, and quickly between 3 and 4.
- Circuit 1
            - Bench Press - 6 reps
            - Plyo Pushup - 6 reps
            - Barbell Deadlifts - 6 reps
            - Box Jumps - 6 reps
- Circuit 2
            - Power Cleans - 6
            - Med Ball Granny Toss - 6
            - Dumbbell Push Press - 8
            - Med Ball Shot-put - 4 each arm
- Circuit 3
            - Barbell Front Squat - 6
            - Russian Hops - 6
            - Pulldowns or Rows - 8-12
            - Med Ball Slams - 8-12

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